Who we are
We are life changing holistic yoga school and community

Our school is based on the concept of family, living in calmness, love and peace
House of Om - We offer more than just the physical aspect of Yoga. Our community members develop the connection between the mind and body, build discipline and inner strength, get inspired and inspire others
We have changed your lifes since June 6th, 2016
Graduates online and offline YTT
Google Maps and Facebook
Our leader
Founder and philosopher
Wissam Barakeh is a Spiritual Leader, Certified Hypnotherapist & NLP Trainer, Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, Tantra and Reiki Master, who believes in the concept of community and going back to the tribe, to live in a world without borders, beyond race, color, religion or gender. Believing in this vision Wissam created conscious community centers around the world beginning with Syria, then Dubai and now Bali. With great success, the community centers are expanding to India, Sri Lanka, Germany and Russia, and he continues to have the vision to create conscious communities around the world.

Our story
Sed venenatis ligula et magna blandit pretium. Curabitur non mi sit amet arcu tempus.
Not just a school but community of same minded people

Sed venenatis ligula et magna blandit pretium. Curabitur non mi sit amet arcu tempus blandit. Suspendisse vulputate ligula eget pulvinar pharetra. Maecenas sapien lectus, vulputate ac arcu in, iaculis laoreet lectus. Sed nulla nisi, dignissim sit amet diam ac, congue rutrum felis.
Worldwide famous gurus
All our teachers possess 10+ years of experience in their chosen field along with numerous worldwide recognized awards
Yoga networking
Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes sapien lectus, vulputate ac arcu in
By joining us, you get lifelong access to a community network allowing you to communicate with other students and teachers

Our story is your triumph
Nam non ipsum dui. Cras feugiat, metus vel mollis ornare, odio lorem ullamcorper eros. Fusce hendrerit lorem id malesuada vulputate. Morbi in elit est. Etiam semper convallis vulputate. Donec ullamcorper.

Join our team
Fusce hendrerit lorem id malesuada vulputate. Morbi in elit est. Etiam semper convallis vulputate. Donec ullamcorper.
Let’s get in touch
Fusce hendrerit lorem id malesuada vulputate.
Morbi in elit est. Etiam semper conv.
Morbi in elit est. Etiam semper conv.